30 October 2023 – (insert clever title here)

Today started out early again. I went to the cafe in the hotel next door and got something for breakfast that was freshly put together.

I walked to the CVS again to pick something up for lunch or dinner, not sure yet it depends a little on how the rest of the day goes. They have a lot of choice with ham,turkey, chicken or fish, thats a nope,nope,rare maybe and another nope.

It was time to go back to the hotel and find something todo, yesterday I found out that there is a Micro Center close-by and this will be my first thing todo this morning, also found the Santa Ana Zoo that was not far from there as a second option.

Man, they really have everything in stock

Standing outside for a bit before I ordered the lyft made me rethink my plans and I went back to the hotel, it was to hot for me to go to the zoo, I will park that for another day after Blizzcon.

I’m not sure I would be happy if they started my birthday with “A long time ago”, it might be true but stop rubbing it in.
A sidedish served long before the main one.

Went to Denny’s for dinner, sat down ordered, and 15 minutes later another man came in and ordered the exact same combinations, maybe it is just me..

Somebody started before the photo…

Back in the hotel, I want to do some time-lapse photos but don’t want to stand outside with a camera alone. It will probably be fine, but I don’t want to go looking for trouble

So World of Warcraft it is, save inside..

Followed by half a movie.


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