Category: Uncategorized

Ondertussen heb ik beide HDX-1000’s aangepast door de firmware van de Popcorn A110 erin te flashen zoals beschreven op de site :

De omschreven procedure werkte voor mijn versies bijna zoals beschreven..

1 USB-key met de software om een backup te maken zonder problemen
2 USB-key met de A110-firmware werkte direct zonder problemen.
3 Opstarten met logo daarna zwart scherm
4 USB-key met recovery-software leverde 2 resultaten.
a. De eerste herkende de recovery en gaf het beschreven rode scherm en daarna de witte.
b. De tweede (met HDD) gaf geen beeld maar ging wel aan de slag met de USB-key (lampje knipperde), toen deze enige tijd uit was heb ik de spanning eraf gehaald.
5 Na opnieuw opstarten werkte ze beide met de oude software.
6 Eerste update naar de aanbevolen versie zonder problemen via de USB-key
7 Update naar de laatste versie via het internet..
Alles werkt nu zoals voorheen, alle links en instellingen zijn weg maar deze zijn eenvoudig terug te zetten..

En nu heb ik twee werkende HDX-1000’s met de laatste Popcornhour A110 firmware..



This is just for the purpose of saving the files when the last two remaining sites are going down:

The firmware:

Note: Unzip into the root of your USB thumbdrive. Browse to usbupdate.html to update.
Please DO NOT power off the unit during firmware update, as it will render your unit inoperational.
HDX1000 Firmware 22-10-2009
HDX1000 Firmware 17-03-2010
HDX1000 Firmware 12-04-2010

The nmt-Apps

  • rename downloaded file to syb8634.nmt
  • copy to the ROOT directory of your USB stick
  • plug the USB stick, to the USB port above the LAN connector
  • Power up your HDX 1000
  • Access setup and maintenance and NMT setup wizard
  • ………. chose USB update method
  • HDX1000 mnt-apps 15-01-2009


    HDX1000 mnt-apps 16-12-2009

    The Recovery firmware

    (never used it so your on your own in how to use it)
    HDX-1000 Firmware Recovery

    UPDATE (04-05-2011):

    Found a website to crossflash the HDX1000 to a popcorn A110
    Howto :
    Forum :

    I copied some data for a friend to an external HDD.

    The PC (windows) was crashed and no longer wanted to boot. so I put the harddisk into a linux-server and it worked perfect all data was there.
    I tried to use the USB disk directly in the linux machine but the parition tables where a little weird and not knowing what was on the disk I decided to use my windows PC to  copy the data..
    I shared the original disk with samba and copied all the data to the external hard-disk.
    My Windows Vista PC could see all the files and read them without any problems.

    So I gave the USB disk back to the owner off the data but the same evening they called me to tell me that the disk only contains directories and no files, weird..
    Today I visited them to take a look at the disk with my own laptop.
    The disk only shows directories but right clicking also shows there are files.
    It does not matter to take ownership or if you try to add your user to the disk, it still shows no files.
    If you try to copy the direcories it will also copy the files but they will not show up.

    It seems the files are all marked as system files and will never show up until you change the view settings on windows.

    I chanced the permissions on all the files and folders with the following command:
    attrib -R -A -H -S f:/*.* /D /S ( — my drive was f:/ do not use this on c:/ !! — )

    Now all files are visible again to the users..