Picking up an old hobby..

A few weeks ago I was searching the internet for a lightning trigger to photograph some lightning.

So I found one schematic which seems like it could work so I tried to get alle the components in the local electronics store but some parts where not on stock so they were going to order it and call me when they got it all (two weeks ago)..

Meanwhile I kept searching for other ways to trigger the camera and found a project based on a microprocessor on http://www.glacialwanderer.com/
Here is also an other project which is called the “camera axe”
The processor used in this project used the Arduino bootloader which reminded me off another project I had seen with this easy setup.
After a few days off reading about it on the internet there are now two packages underway with both an Arduino board and some other stuff.

From Turtle Creations is the starter kit on its way

And one day later I ordered from Liquidware the arduino ,the lithium backpack and the touchshield slide, which are also under way

A long long time ago I used the Zilog 80 processor and started a project which kept growing and I never finished it, mainly because of my switch from the MSX to a PC which not supported the programming for the Z80..
I’m ready to start playing with microprocessors again and hope to get one of those packages before the weekend and finally start playing with the arduino boards..

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